Enable bluetooth headset microphone on Ubuntu 20.04

After months and months dealing with this freaking issue that has become a pain in the ass, for real, there is this article:

That made things working again. I just cannot believe how much effort is needed to make a simple bluetooth headset work on Ubuntu. It still doesn’t work great, but it is fine.

Continue reading “Enable bluetooth headset microphone on Ubuntu 20.04”

Guake Terminal for Ubuntu not opening another terminal in the same folder

I use Guake for Ubuntu as a terminal. And there is this option in the Guake properties to set it to open the same directory you were in if you want another terminal. This is just now working with the latest version of Guake. To fix it just run the following:

gconftool-2 –set /apps/guake/general/open_tab_cwd –type=boolean true

And it will add a variable saying that you want the same folder opened when you open another terminal. 🙂

The bug can be found here: https://github.com/Guake/guake/issues/578