Why am I unsubscribing from Medium as a tech info source?

I started writing on Medium in 2016 when I thought it made sense to share helpful info with other people on a platform to which everyone has access. This way you don’t need to promote your content; it is immediately available to everyone, as people say “under their fingertips”.

As you can say, I didn’t write a post very often. From the start of Medium, I felt like I was giving something personal out and the only thing I was getting back was being part of the crowd. No recognition of the usefulness of the information shared, no appraisal for anything. You pretty much give everything you have for some claps often generated by bots for other writers.

Back in 2022, I decided to buy a Medium subscription. I read multiple programming posts, Android programmers like Manuel Vivo, Chet Haase, and others were constantly posting there and I thought that it may make sense to get more meaningful content and learn something new every day.

And then it all started. The constant spam with stupid articles daily, mostly based on my interest in Android but totally useless and written by random persons mostly based in India, suggesting this and that code block that you can easily grasp by just reading the Android developer documentation.

In the last year, I tend to say I have received like 3% of articles with useful information for me, 5% that was the kind of information I will forget in a week, and all of the others – total repetitive crap copied from here and there.

Thank you Medium for the 0 value for the costly yearly subscription. I think this is not the biggest problem actually. The biggest problem is that you are hiding that you are not providing any meaningful info, nor any meaningful post targeting for people. The only thing that keeps people on the subscription is the FOMO (fear of missing out).

That constant feeling that you may miss an email where there will be this one post, out of ten others, that will make sense. What a ridiculous thing to think. That’s why I am unsubscribing, uninstalling, and stopping this nonsense. Unless you make reading free, I will not pay for your services ever. Thanks for the useless daily notifications, the email spam with 0 value in it, and the random email about “depression” or “anxiety” just so you can trigger a page view. But no, this is not going to work out between us. 🙂

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