issue not supporting Samsung S5 and other devices 5.4.2 is a card recognition SDK used by PayPal which allows you to easily scan your own credit/debit cards and get information about them in the code.


Using from the source and not from Maven requires you to have the latest Android NDK with which the project will be built. But compiling it with the latest NDK introduces a bug which prevents the library from supporting several phones like Samsung S5, Honor 7 and others.

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Exporting Card.IO as a fragment

You probably know the famous card detection library called It is developed by PayPal and used worldwide. There is a lot of OpenCV usage behind it, but I will leave this for another article.

The problem

The problem is that the library can only be used as a separate module. You can call the Activity and it will return you the results from the detection. But what if you want to embed the detection view inside your app? Well, sadly, there is no fragment for that. But the library is open-source so you can change everything to fit your needs. So let’s start then!

Continue reading “Exporting Card.IO as a fragment”